Changing MENtality
Conversations, stories and interviews on the topic of men’s mental health. Hosted by a group of male students, sharing their own experiences to help eliminate stigma, raise awareness, and signpost others to finding the help they need. Created in association with Student Minds and funded by Comic Relief.
Changing MENtality
Intersectionality, LGBTQ+ and Mental Health
Changing MENtality
Season 2
Episode 4
In this episode, Billy is joined by the Student Voice and Equality Lead at Student Minds, Dom Smithies to talk about some of the specific challenges that may face men within the LGBTQ+ community. They will be talking about the importance of recognising intersectionality, covering some topics that are of particularly relevance to LGBTQ+ males and exploring some of the research that’s being done for mental health and wellbeing.
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Links to some of the websites mentioned in the episode:
- http://www.queerfutures.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/RARE_Research_Report_PACE_2015.pdf - RARE report
- https://www.studentminds.org.uk/uploads/3/7/8/4/3784584/180730_lgbtq_report_final.pdf - LGBTQ+ student mental health report
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM6RbNQCem4&ab_channel=Pop%27n%27Olly - Pop and Olly YouTube
- https://www.justlikeus.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwl9GCBhDvARIsAFunhsnzYmYlUo9_Ahv890VBMOEK7TVLtXasALAxGVgR_5s-ern7MuLW3CEaApCDEALw_wcB - Just Like Us
If you or a friend are looking for some extra support, here’s some places you can go:
- Switch board – LGBT+ helpline phone:0300 330 0630 or online at switchboard.lgbt
- Student Space– Online, one-stop shop’ for students in England and Wales who want to find help for their mental health or well-being.
- Student Minds website- Information about different support services available, including how to find them and what to expect when using them for the first time.
- Your GP Service- can refer to specialist support and services.
- University Student Support Services e.g. counselling, mental health advisers, student advice centre, students’ union.
- Samaritans-phone 116 123, email jo@samaritans.org
- HOPELine UK-phone 0800 068 41 41: confidential service specifically for young people (under 35). They can offer crisis support for someone who is experiencing thoughts or feelings of suicide, as well as providing information and advice for those concerned about someone else.
- Papyrus: email pat@papyrus.uk.org
- Students Against Depression- The Students Against Depression website has lots of information about tackling depression and low mood, including self -help resources and workbooks for students to work through to start taking steps towards tackling low mood.
- NHS 111-Non-emergency line run by the NHS.
- 999-for an emergency situation.